czwartek, 22 listopada 2018

discotheque history by '70, '80 - disco era Italian deejays { Book / eBook }

old school, very pioneer disco DJ
* innovator-creator-inventor *
sells some of his unique and rare 
disco history items, documents and 'memories'

Dear Reader…
If you find a link or other flaw on this or any other blog of mine 
that does not work - let me know - I'll fix it :-)


Czytelniku szanowny …
Jeżeli znajdziesz na tym lub innym moim blogu link lub inny mankament, 
który nie działa - daj znać – naprawię to :-)

see – they have published story and interview with me in Paris -
deejay wywiad w Paryżu
deejay interview in Paris

... over 70 blogs author - red by over 2.612.000 readers worldwide ...
check them all under below link:

!! No one of worldwide DJs risked its life to play USA-R&B-Dance music in '70  
as YahuDeej@y did !! Most persecuted DJ in '70 communist regime Poland !!

!! BEST - Disco & DJ history eBooks !! 

Fact is - these are best books / documents about '70 disco & DJ history ever - because 
of memories of real disco era DJs / real discotheque innovators and pioneers !! 

The best and biggest ever (among other) Disco & DJ history books - disco history told by its ’70 creators - you can buy this UNIQUE eBooks on on my blog

... click on the pix to enlarge ...

!! very modern electronic book / eBook on DVD-R disc as DVD-Rom 
including text as ‘pdf’ files and ‘jpg’ as pictures / illustrations. 

You need DVD station / reader on your computer 
to open and read book on screen.

I do offer here my latest giant eBook - "Italian Disco History" containing 
more than 60 interviews with deejays who built Italian discotheque / deejay-environment in the '70s. Most of them work in the profession today thanks to wonderful / specific Italy conditions ...

no such big eBook yet ever !! :-)))) - 2,4GB content and still growing up !! on the pix to enlarge ...



If you decide - then you pay to my Bank Account and I'm sending 'priority' package to you same or next day (postage free / I pay).    

*** just contact me:

EASY :-))))


... The difference between ignorance and awareness is wisdom
We don't know where we are going unless we know where we've been
Without that knowledge... history is gone with the wind ...


I wrote such a giant, very unique book (based on my interviews).
This book is available in modern computer, electronic format only 
- to read on a computer screen, etc.
Content are - text PDF. + images JPG.




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The author of the blog will make every effort to ensure that the presented content is true
and did not infringe the actual rights of third parties, including copyright (if any disclosed will be known).

However, considering how the global internet works, etc., it should be taken into account that this often cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, incorrect information - the lack of authorship of photos, texts, documents, etc. disclosed on this blog cannot be the basis for any claims without prior contact with the author to establish the facts, etc.

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